Initial consultation lasts 2 hours and comprises of three stages

 Stage 1

 An initial chat during which time we can look at some, or all of the following areas, and discuss your recent training history (this normally lasts about 40 mins).
  • Resting
  • heart rate
  • Haemoglobin oxygen concentration
  • Body composition
  • Health screening
  • Blood pressure (optional)
  • Weight / Height (BMI)
  • Setting short, medium and long term goals
  • Explanation of fitness test options
  • Set goals for this session
  • Prepare cycle for test/ bike check

Stage 2

Performance of a physical test or skills session, depending on your requirements (normally about 50 mins).
Either choice 1 or 2 from below:
  1. Physiological variables on a cycle ergometer during an incremental exercise test and Time Trial effort. Looking at power profile, heart rate, cadence and associated variables.
  2. Road based skills session working on clients specific requirements (cornering, bunch riding, climbing, even paced riding, descending etc.)

During the fitness tests some video analysis of your position on the bike shall be undertaken with results explained to you afterwards.

Stage Three

During this stage we shall look at the results of your fitness test or skills session. We will discuss the results, what they mean and how we can use them to improve your performance (25 mins).
  • Evaluation of fitness test and associated issues
  • Evaluation of previous training
  • Prescription of six week training programme
  • Timeline to achieve goals
  • Provide details of follow up services
Initial Consultation (2hr15)£89
Six Week Training Programme£28
Follow up meetings (1hr30)£59